Kay Oskvig Presents at Iowa Employment Conference

Altoona, Iowa

Attorney Kay Oskvig presented “Labor Law for Non-Union Employers” at the Iowa Employment Conference on April 4, 2024. This presentation provided four specific action items and a checklist to attendees who work for non-unionized organizations. Oskvig covered information relevant to for-profit companies, non-profit organizations, and government employers. In addition to sharing recent National Labor Relations Board guidance, the Whitfield & Eddy Law team over a dozen practical examples to help showcase how labor laws might apply or influence non-unionized workplaces. Oskvig serves as the chair of the Whitfield & Eddy Law labor & employment practice group.

Attorney Megan Happe co-presented with Oskvig.

for more information

For more information on the labor and employment laws that apply to your employees, contact Kay Oskvig at 515-288-6041.



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